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monitor screengrabPersonalisation matters in stakeholder communication because it can help build stronger relationships with your stakeholders. When stakeholders receive messages that are relevant to their interests, needs, and preferences, they are more likely to pay attention and engage with your organisation. Personalisation can also help to create a sense of connection and empathy between your organisation and your stakeholders, which can foster trust and loyalty over time.

Furthermore, personalisation can help to address the diverse needs and perspectives of your stakeholders. By segmenting your audience and tailoring your communication to different groups, you can provide information and support that is specific to their needs and interests. This can help to increase engagement and satisfaction among your stakeholders.

Finally, personalisation can help your organisation to stand out in a crowded communication landscape. In a world where people receive countless messages every day, personalised communication can help to cut through the noise and capture the attention of your stakeholders. This can help to increase the effectiveness of your communication and improve the overall relationship between your organisation and your stakeholders.

The Benefits of Automated Updates for Stakeholders with Personalisation

Automated updates for stakeholders provide numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, improved communication, and enhanced engagement. When combined with personalisation, these benefits are even greater.

Here are some specific benefits of automated updates for stakeholders with personalisation:

  1. Relevance: Automated updates ensure that your stakeholders receive consistent communication, regardless of changes in staff or workload. Personalisation ensures that the communication remains relevant and engaging for each stakeholder.
  2. Competence: Automation allows you to deliver updates quickly and efficiently, freeing up staff time for more strategic tasks. Personalisation ensures that the updates are tailored to the needs and preferences of each stakeholder, improving the overall efficiency of communication.
  3. Improved engagement: Personalised updates are more likely to be read and acted upon by stakeholders, leading to increased engagement and stronger relationships. Automation ensures that stakeholders receive updates in a timely manner, maximising the chances of engagement.
  4. Better data tracking: Automated updates allow you to track engagement metrics, such as open and click-through rates, which can provide valuable insights into stakeholder behaviour. Personalisation ensures that the data collected is more accurate and reflective of individual stakeholder preferences.
  5. Enhanced reputation: Personalised communication demonstrates a commitment to building and maintaining strong relationships with stakeholders. Automation ensures that this commitment is consistently upheld, leading to a stronger reputation among stakeholders.


Best Practices for Implementing Automated Updates Without Sacrificing Personalisation

Implementing automated updates for stakeholders can be an effective way to improve communication efficiency and engagement. However, it’s important to ensure that the automated updates remain personalised to the stakeholder to maintain relevance and engagement. Here are some best practices for implementing automated updates without sacrificing personalisation:

  1. Segment your audience: Different stakeholders have different needs and interests, and sending a generic message to everyone may not be effective. Segmenting your audience based on demographics, behaviour, or interests can help you send more relevant and personalised messages.
  2. Create personalised templates: Rather than sending the same message to everyone, create personalised templates that can be customised based on the stakeholder’s information. Include personalisation tokens such as their name, company, or other relevant information to make the message more relevant and engaging.
  3. Incorporate dynamic content: Use dynamic content to personalise your automated updates further. Dynamic content is content that changes based on the recipient’s information, such as their location or purchase history. This can make the message more relevant and increase engagement.
  4. Optimise timing and frequency: Sending automated updates at the right time and frequency can make a significant difference in engagement. Consider the recipient’s time zone and send messages during the hours when they are most likely to be active. Also, avoid bombarding them with too many messages, as this can lead to disengagement.

Tools to Help You Automate Stakeholder Communication While Keeping It Personal

Automating stakeholder communication doesn’t necessarily mean losing personalisation. In fact, there are several tools that can help you automate your communication while keeping it personal. Here are some of the tools you can use:

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software: A CRM software allows you to manage and track your interactions with stakeholders, including their preferences and engagement history. This data can be used to personalise your automated updates and ensure that they are relevant and timely.
  • Marketing Automation platforms: These platforms allow you to create and send personalised emails, social media messages, and other types of communication to your stakeholders. They often offer features like dynamic content and personalisation tokens that allow you to tailor your messages to each stakeholder.
  • Chatbots: Chatbots can be used to provide personalised responses to stakeholder inquiries, reducing the workload of your support staff. They can be programmed to provide personalised recommendations based on the stakeholder’s past behaviour or preferences.
  • Customer feedback tools: Feedback tools like surveys and feedback forms allow you to gather feedback from stakeholders and personalise your communication based on their responses. For example, if a stakeholder indicates they are interested in a particular product or service, you can send them relevant updates and information.
  • Analytics tools: Analytics tools can provide insights into stakeholder behaviour and preferences, allowing you to personalise your automated updates based on their interests and actions. For example, if a stakeholder frequently visits a particular page on your website, you can send them updates related to that topic.


Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Automated Updates

Measuring the effectiveness of your automated updates is crucial to ensuring that your communication strategy is working. It allows you to identify what is working well and what needs improvement. Here are some key metrics to consider when measuring the effectiveness of your automated updates:

  • Open Rates: The percentage of recipients who opened your automated update. This metric is a good indicator of the effectiveness of your subject line and the relevance of the content.
  • Click-Through Rates: The percentage of recipients who clicked on a link within your automated update. This metric indicates the engagement level of your stakeholders with the content and the call to action.
  • Conversion Rates: The percentage of recipients who completed the desired action after clicking through your automated update. This metric indicates how effective your communication was in driving the desired behaviour.
  • Unsubscribe Rates: The percentage of recipients who unsubscribed from your automated updates. This metric indicates how relevant your communication is to your stakeholders and whether they perceive it as valuable or not.
  • Engagement Rates: The percentage of recipients who engage with your automated update, such as responding to a survey or providing feedback. This metric indicates how well your automated updates are resonating with your stakeholders and whether they feel heard and valued.


Automating stakeholder communication can be an effective way to improve efficiency and engagement, but it’s essential to maintain personalisation to keep stakeholders interested and invested. It’s a delicate balance between automation and personalisation, and it’s crucial to find the right mix to achieve your communication goals.

Ultimately, effective stakeholder communication requires a strategic approach that balances automation and personalisation. By implementing best practices, leveraging tools, and measuring the effectiveness of your strategy with Digital Teams you can create compelling, relevant, and engaging communication that resonates with your stakeholders.