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Should I automate my business? Here are 3 great reasons why the answer is definitely, yes!
If you are a business owner, or a key decision-maker within your organisation, then the question “should I automate my business?” might sound like a no brainer. But many businesses still operate by using the same processes they have employed for years, living by the...
Automating Shipping in Veeqo
In this article, I will outline what you’ll need to fully automate Shipping in Veeqo. We will be making use of Veeqo’s well documented API to integrate a shipping carrier or courier - provided that they also have a public API we can use. We will be using Integromat to...
Efficiency – Step 4: Train & Implement
Today we see the fourth and last step to becoming faster, slicker, and efficient - Train & Implement. If you have missed the first three steps, read them here: step 1, step 2, step3 Train & Implement One of the biggest mistakes businesses make when...
Efficiency – Step 3: Map New and Add Technology
Let’s dive right in, into step 3 (find step 1 and step 2 here). Map New It’s time to re-map your customers’ journey. The objective is to take as many steps out of the process as possible. Steps are the bends on your race track, they’re going to slow you down. The...
Efficiency – Step 2: Business Review
You’re here I assume because you already read the first step to becoming faster, slicker, and efficient and have done mapping your current processes. Ready for business review? Here is the second step: Business Review Every business tells me “But this is our industry...
Efficiency – Step 1: Map Your Current Processes
So, I have been talking about the efficiency of business processes in the previous blog (read it here), and here is the first step to becoming faster, slicker, and more efficient. Here is a simple four-step process to follow to become efficient: Map your current...
Business Automation: 4 Ways To Become More Efficient
Business automation can play and should play a big part in your business. So much more can be achieved for less cost by using technology and business automation tools. “It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that...
The Entrepreneur’s Journey
A few years ago you started your entrepreneur's journey by launching your business, either on your own or with a business partner(s). There’s a high chance that you come from a technical background and are good at what you do. You started your own business with great...
Digital Teams Blogs
The Digital Teams Blogs page has been created to offer you insightful business tips, industry-related news and anything else that Digital Teams feels would be beneficial to your business. We hope you enjoy!