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hand holding a phoneAs businesses increasingly rely on stakeholder engagement to drive their success, communication strategies become more critical. One key aspect of effective stakeholder communication is providing regular updates to keep all parties informed of the latest developments. However, manually sending updates can be time-consuming, inconsistent, and prone to human error. This is where automated updates come in. This guide will explore the benefits of automating stakeholder updates to streamline their communication and boost their performance.

What are Automated Updates for Stakeholders?

Automated updates for stakeholders refer to the use of technology, such as software, artificial intelligence, and other digital tools, to automatically communicate relevant information to individuals or groups with an interest in a company, project, or initiative. These stakeholders could include customers, employees, investors, partners, or other interested parties.

Automated updates can take many forms, such as email alerts, text messages, push notifications, or social media posts. The information communicated through automated updates could include news about company or product developments, upcoming events or deadlines, important policy changes, or other relevant information.

By automating these updates, companies can ensure that stakeholders receive timely and accurate information without the need for manual intervention. This can save time and resources for both the company and the stakeholders, while also improving transparency and trust in the organisation.


Why Automate Your Stakeholder Communication?

Automating stakeholder communication can bring a multitude of benefits to companies, including:

  1. Time-saving: Automating stakeholder communication can save a significant amount of time compared to manual communication, allowing employees to focus on other important tasks.
  2. Consistency: Automated updates ensure that all stakeholders receive the same information and messaging, reducing the risk of miscommunication or errors.
  3. Increased efficiency: With automation, companies can send updates to a large number of stakeholders simultaneously, improving communication efficiency and reducing the risk of delays.
  4. Improved stakeholder satisfaction: Automated updates can be sent on a regular basis, keeping stakeholders informed and engaged, which can lead to increased satisfaction and better relationships.
  5. Cost-effective: Automating stakeholder communication can save money compared to traditional communication methods, such as printing and postage.
  6. Personalisation: Automation doesn’t mean sacrificing personalisation. Companies can still tailor messages to specific stakeholder groups and personalise communication to increase engagement.
  7. Data tracking: Automated communication systems can track how stakeholders engage with the communication, which can provide valuable insights to improve communication strategies and increase engagement.


Best Practices for Implementing Automated Updates for Stakeholders

Implementing automated updates for stakeholders can be a highly effective way to improve communication and build stronger relationships with customers, employees, investors, and other key stakeholders. However, it is important to approach automation strategically and thoughtfully to ensure that the benefits are maximised while potential risks are mitigated. Here are some best practices for implementing automated updates for stakeholders:

  1. Define your goals: Before implementing any automation, it’s essential to define what you hope to achieve. Identify your key stakeholders and the information they need to know, and determine the most effective way to deliver that information. Understanding your goals will help you select the right automation tools and processes.
  2. Choose the right tools: There are many tools available for automating updates to stakeholders, including email marketing software, chatbots, and social media management platforms. Consider the needs of your stakeholders and the channels they use most frequently, and select the tools that will best meet those needs.
  3. Personalise your communications: Automated updates can be highly effective, but they can also feel impersonal if not implemented correctly. Make sure to personalise your communications wherever possible, using the recipient’s name, interests, or previous interactions with your company to create a more tailored experience.
  4. Keep it timely: Timing is crucial when it comes to automated updates. Make sure that updates are delivered promptly, ideally in real-time or as close to real-time as possible. This will help to build trust and ensure that your stakeholders are always informed.
  5. Be transparent: Transparency is essential in all communications, but particularly when using automation. Make sure to provide clear information about the data you collect, how it is used, and how stakeholders can opt-out of automated updates if they choose.
  6. Test and refine: As with any new process, it’s important to test and refine your automated updates regularly. Monitor open rates, click-through rates, and other key metrics to see how well your communications are performing, and make adjustments as needed.


By following these best practices, you can implement automated updates for stakeholders in a way that maximises the benefits while minimising the risks. With the right tools and processes in place, you can build stronger relationships with your stakeholders and improve the overall effectiveness of your communications.

Examples of Successful Automated Stakeholder Communication Strategies

Several companies have successfully implemented automated stakeholder communication strategies. For example, Airbnb uses automated messaging to keep its hosts and guests informed about reservations, bookings, and cancellations. Similarly, Apple uses automated updates to inform developers about app store policies and updates.

The Future of Stakeholder Communication: What to Expect

Stakeholder communication is a critical component of any organisation’s success. As technology continues to evolve, so too does the way in which companies interact with their stakeholders. Here are some of the trends that are likely to shape the future of stakeholder communication:

  1. More Personalised Communication: With the help of advanced data analytics and machine learning algorithms, companies are now able to create more personalised communication with their stakeholders. This means that stakeholders will receive information that is more relevant to their specific interests and needs.
  2. Greater Use of Automation: Automation is becoming increasingly prevalent in stakeholder communication. Companies are using chatbots, automated emails, and other tools to communicate with stakeholders more efficiently and effectively.
  3. Increased Emphasis on Transparency: In recent years, there has been a growing demand for transparency in business. This trend is likely to continue in the future, and companies will need to be more transparent in their communication with stakeholders.
  4. Greater Use of Video: Video is becoming an increasingly popular way to communicate with stakeholders. Companies are using video to create engaging content that is more likely to be shared and viewed by stakeholders.
  5. Increased Importance of Social Media: Social media is already an important channel for stakeholder communication, and this trend is likely to continue. Companies will need to be active on social media platforms and use them to engage with stakeholders in real-time.
  6. More Focus on Sustainability: Sustainability is a growing concern for stakeholders, and companies will need to communicate their sustainability efforts more effectively in the future. This may include using sustainability reports and other tools to share information with stakeholders.


The future of stakeholder communication is likely to be more personalised, automated, transparent, and focused on sustainability. Companies that are able to adapt to these trends will be better positioned to succeed in the years ahead.

Automated updates offer a host of benefits for stakeholder communication, including increased efficiency, consistency, and engagement. By implementing best practices companies can improve their performance and build stronger relationships with stakeholders. The future of stakeholder communication is exciting, and companies that embrace automation with Digital Teams will be at front of this revolution.