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Developers working hardThe world is changing at an exponential rate, and the pace of change will only accelerate in the future. To remain competitive, companies must be future-proof. 

What does that mean? It means that a company needs to be able to adapt to changing conditions quickly and efficiently. This includes both technological changes as well as changes in customer behavior. 

Companies need to ensure that their information technology (ICT) is future-proof, or they risk being left behind by competitors who are more agile in their approach to adopting new technologies. 

4 Things Every CEO Should Know About Future-Proofing Their IT Landscape  

A lot of people, including the CEO, are wondering what the future of IT will look like. There are a lot of uncertainties that we face in the digital age. But there is one thing that is certain – businesses need to be future-proofed. 

The first thing CEOs should do is to understand what they need from technology and then they should create a plan for how to get there.  

The pace of technological innovation and business change has been unprecedented over the past few decades. This has made it difficult for CEOs to understand and plan for the future needs of their organizations.  

The second thing CEOs should do is develop a strategy for dealing with cyber security threats and risks.  

CEO’s have a lot on their plate, but one of the most important things they need to do is to develop a strategy for dealing with cyber security threats and risks. Poorly designed or misconfigured systems can lead to costly consequences such as data breaches, service disruptions, and lost credibility. These events can be disastrous for any company. 

The third thing CEOs should do is to make sure their company has an overall strategy for data management and data governance.  

The data governance strategy is a process that will help you take full advantage of the data analytics tools at your disposal. The strategy should account for data management, privacy, and protection. 

And finally, CEOs should have a plan for their current legacy systems so they can retire them when it’s time to do so. 

One of the most important questions that a CEO should ask is “How will I retire my legacy systems?”. It is important for every company to have a plan for this. A good way to do this is to outsource your legacy system work to a company that specializes in legacy system maintenance. 


How Technology is a Driving Force for Change in the World  

Technology has played a major role in driving this change. It has become an integral part of our lives and has made the world a smaller place to live in. 

Technology has been evolving for decades and will continue to do so in the coming years as we head towards 2022. The following article gives insights into some of the most significant trends that are likely to shape the future of technology over the next few years. 

Some of these trends include: 

– Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used for everything from enterprise operations to customer service 

The ways in which Artificial Intelligence is being used are continually evolving. AI is now being commonly used to automate tasks in the workplace, and it’s also become a valuable tool for customer service. The greatest use of AI is presently in the area of automation, as artificial intelligence can be used to process data more quickly and accurately than any human alone. 

– Internet of Things (IoT) becoming more mainstream as people seek ways to make their homes smarter, safer and more efficient 

Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that connects everyday objects to the internet. The connected home can be controlled remotely via a smartphone and can be monitored for security, energy consumption, and more.The IoT has the potential to help both individuals and organizations solve a wide range of problems. One example is the ability to monitor your home from afar so that you can get alerts if your furnace starts running too long or if there’s an accident in the driveway. Currently, most IoT technology focuses on connecting physical devices through wired connections such as WiFi networks or Bluetooth.  

– Augmented Reality (AR) transforming education, entertainment and healthcare 

Augmented Reality is a technology that uses the power of computers, mobile devices and software to change how we interface with our environment. It blurs the lines between physical and digital worlds. In this way, augmented reality is poised to transform industries from education, entertainment, and healthcare.  

How Technology is Transforming the Fundamentals of Successful Business?  

Technology is changing the game for businesses. The fundamentals of successful business are no longer just about producing and selling a product, it’s about what happens to that product after it leaves the store. 

A perfect example of this is how Amazon has changed the way we shop. In recent years, they have made it easier than ever to buy anything you want, anytime you want it, with just a few clicks. And now they are making it even easier by introducing their new Amazon Go store in Seattle. This new concept store requires no cashiers or checkout lines because all you need to do is scan your phone when you walk in and then as you walk out any items that were put into your cart will be charged directly to your account.