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By sending automated emails to customers, businesses can potentially save huge amounts of both time and money. Why? Well, if you have a business that interacts with customers via email, and you are not sending automated emails to customers, you are not only wasting the time it takes to send customer critical emails (that could easily be sent automatically), but you are also missing out on marketing and upsell opportunities to your ideal target audience. This is especially true for any business that uses its site to sell products as opposed to services.

Digital Teams have a vast amount of experience in designing bespoke business automation tools that will allow you to send automated emails to customers, whether it be at certain points along the sales journey, or in a dedicated marketing campaign to your customer database. By sending an email that reaches the correct person with the right message at the ideal time, you dramatically increase the chance of continued customer engagement.

So when we talk about sending automated emails to customers, what do we actually mean? Digital Teams have put together this blog to give you an insight into why automated emails to customers are so important for your business.

What is email automation?

Email automation, which is sometimes referred to as behaviour-driven email, or even triggered email, is essentially any message that is automatically sent from your email service provider, in direct response to a user’s actions on your website. Alternatively, automated emails can be created to send automated emails to specific customers in your database at a pre-determined time, along with follow up emails if required. Both of these forms of automated email will allow you to send customers a tailored, personalised message, that strengthens customer engagement, customer retention and customer loyalty.

With automated email, you can create emails that have:

* Relevance – With an automated email the user receives an email based on the specific action the user has taken on your website. This means you can create a message that is highly relevant to the customer, which in turn means they are far more likely to open and then engage with the email.
* Brand Building – As automated email can act as an extremely effective and personalised communication channel between you and the customer, it essentially acts as an extension of your brand. This offers amazing opportunities to strengthen the brand connection between your brand and your customer base.

Email automation also helps drive positive business results such as:

* Loyalty – If a customer has been emailed cues at the correct time to follow through on their desired action, then they are far more likely to feel loyalty to your brand and recommend you to others.
* Retention – A customer will feel more valued when they receive personalised, relevant emails, driving long-term engagement from a user.
* Revenue – A customer is far more likely to complete a purchase, update their account details, or return as a repeat customer if they have been communicated to at the ideal time with the correct message.
* Action – Automated email to customers can target the correct audience to continue the engagement with your brand. This works particularly well with users who have previously engaged with you.

Types of email automation you could implement:

* Welcome emails for new customers to help them begin using products bought from you.
* Nurture emails to guide your customers along the steps of your sales funnel.
* Special occasion emails, such as on a customer’s birthday, driving customer loyalty.
* Basket abandonment emails to remind users who have not completed a purchase.


How can I create automated emails to customers?

So now that you can see the benefits of automated emails to customers, is it time for you to implement an email software solution that will take care of your email automation requirements? Digital Teams hope the answer is yes, and as a hugely experienced team that excels in designing and creating bespoke automation tools, we can guide you through this process from concept to delivery and implementation. Contact our team today to begin your email automation journey!