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Team work, work colleagues, working togetherIn today’s digital age, the human element is often overlooked. The human interface is often seen as a hindrance to the efficiency of a system. This is an unfortunate consequence of the current design philosophy of “human-centred design.”  

The importance of integrating the human element in a system can be found in two ways: firstly, by recognizing that humans have been central to technological advancement since the beginning and secondly, by understanding that humans are not just users but they are also designers. and engineers.  

We would like to emphasize that the human element is crucial to technological advancement and should not be ignored. Even if an automated system has been developed, it is essential to have a human eye on this system from time-to-time in order to make sure that the system does not become too reliant on robotic automation and thus becomes susceptible to errors. 


The 3 Steps to Integrating the Human Element in Digital Innovation  

Digital innovation has been a buzzword for the past few years. It is the idea of bringing digital technologies into the physical world and creating a seamless blend of physical and digital experiences. 

 The 3 steps to integrating the human element in digital innovation are: 

  1. Embrace technology as an enabler, not a replacement: Technology should be seen as an enabler to create more human-centric experiences rather than being seen as a replacement for humans. The main goal of technology should be to serve humanity rather than to try and dominate it. 

A human-centric approach to technology is based on the idea that it’s important for everyone in society and beyond to have access to technologies that empower, enable, and improve their lifestyles. This means that all methods of technological development must take into account the needs of all people and the environmental impact of technology in order to improve the current balance between human needs, natural resources, and the ecosystem.   

This is not a new concept: it’s been reinforced in various ways through legislation. The idea remains elusive for two main reasons: firstly that many feel their voice doesn’t matter or that they can’t make an impact; secondly that many people still see technology as a disruptive force that does not need to be regulated.  

  1. Integrate with customer insight: Customer insight drives customer experience, which can be achieved through customer research, user testing and feedback loops with customers to understand their needs better.

The idea is that by doing customer research, a company can be proactive rather than reactive in the market. In turn, it will make better products and services that meet the needs of customers better. Customer insight drives customer experience, which can be achieved through customer research, user testing and feedback loops with customers to understand their needs better. This can be done through surveys and interviews during user testing sessions as well as asking for additional feedback on its website or social media channels .Ideally, customer insight works as a tool for continuous improvement. It can be used to develop business strategies and make product upgrades that satisfies customers better. 

  1. Design for empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand what someone else is thinking or feeling from their perspective and it should be used when designing products and services that are intended for human use.

Although empathy is an important skill, it is difficult to measure as a product or service design factor. However, the difficulty in measuring this skill does not negate its importance. The ability of designers to look at a problem from another person’s perspective and create products and services that meet their needs has been the source of many breakthroughs in technology , business, and social innovation. Designers should be conscious of their impact on the empathy levels people experience in their lifetimes. Studies have shown that empathy is a key factor in achieving a high quality of life for individuals and cultures, as well as overall prosperity.